Agriculture land allotment in Ghardana & anupgarh subdivsion

Public information officer Office of district collector Srigangangar 335001

4 February 2012

Public information officer
Office of district collector
Srigangangar 335001

Sub –application under the right to information act 2005

Dear Sir

Kindly provide information regarding allotment of agriculture land of different categories in last five years by allotment authority of gharsana and anupgarh subdivision -
1. Name & and address of person to whom land is allotted
2. Area of land, type of land (irrigated or non-irrigated) location of land allotted (detail according to land record)
3. Who is owner of that allotted land according to land record & who is in possession of this land according to record on today’s date?
4. Give me details of how many hands the land has changed since allotment with complete detail of the entire persons who are involved in land deal since allotment
5. Who is final owner of land & who is in possession of land allotted during last five year ?

13 Responses to Agriculture land allotment in Ghardana & anupgarh subdivsion

  1. clean system says:

    Dear sir
    1. You may narrow down your scope in the questions 4, 5,& 6.
    2. Please be specific in your question nos 7, 8 , 9 & 10, because it is not clear that which land, in particular, you are talking about.
    3. Same in case of Q 11, please mention the particulars and details of land you want to inquire about.

  2. Anand Sharma says:

    Dear Sir, Can send us an updated, redrafted version of this Application, as per the suggestions mentioned by Mr. Clean System

  3. hbhadu says:

    I have updated it according to your instruction

  4. hbhadu says:

    Public information officer
    Office of district collector
    Srigangangar 335001

    Sub –application under the right to information act 2005

    Dear Sir

    Kindly provide information regarding allotment of agriculture land of different categories in last five years by allotment authority of gharsana and anupgarh subdivision -
    1. Name & and address of person to whom land is allotted
    2. Area of land, type of land (irrigated or non-irrigated) location of land allotted (detail according to land record)
    3. Who is owner of that allotted land according to land record & who is in possession of this land according to record on today’s date?
    4. Give me details of how many hands the land has changed since allotment with complete detail of the entire persons who are involved in land deal since allotment
    5. Who is final owner of land & who is in possession of land allotted during last five year ?

  5. Anand Sharma says:

    Minor Changes, to avoid posing the queries as a question, since the PIO’s find that as an excuse to reject the application.
    Also moved this to the Drafted Category
    Public information officer
    Office of district collector
    Srigangangar 335001

    Sub –application under the right to information act 2005

    Dear Sir

    Kindly provide information regarding allotment of agriculture land of different categories in last five years by allotment authority of gharsana and anupgarh subdivision -
    1. Name & and address of person to whom land is allotted
    2. Area of land, type of land (irrigated or non-irrigated) location of land allotted (detail according to land record)
    3. Please provide me the name of the owner of that allotted land according to land record & the name of the person, who is currently in possession of this land according to record as per February 25th 2012
    4. Give me details of how many hands the land has changed since allotment with complete detail of the entire persons who are involved in land deal since allotment
    5. Provide me the name of the final owner of the above mentioned land & the name of the person, who was in possession of land allotted during last five year

  6. hbhadu says:

    kindly attach the final draft for RTI application

  7. hbhadu says:

    I drafted final application for filing kindly check it
    File: A_RTI_landallotment_01MAR2012.docx

    • Anand Sharma says:

      Dear Sir,
      I went thru you drafted final application and it looks good.
      Please remember to add the IPO number etc. before u post it
      Once you file it, please do mention the speed post consignment number on this post

  8. hbhadu says:

    RTI filed 7 march 12 reg post no 10681/44
    File: 0002landallotsgnr07-03-12.PDF

  9. hbhadu says:

    Reply from it complete ? no name of PIO ,no address of PIO

  10. Anand Sharma says:

    Moving this RTI Leaks ..
    Ritesh/Param : Please look into this ..

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