How does HAL (Bangalore) compute allowable height for building while issuing NoC to builders

Dear Sir,


I’d like to know exaclty how does HAL compute the maximum permissible height for any location in Bangalore, while issuing height NoC’s to builders.

Builders are required to submit the following documents:

1) Proposed building elevation – indicating the height of the topmost point – including lighting arrestors, if any.

2) Lat/Long & Site Elevation location of the proposed building site along with the span of the site. This has to be prepared by any survey company and then certified by any recognized institute (e.g B A Ambedkar University)


Using the above information – HAL

One Response to How does HAL (Bangalore) compute allowable height for building while issuing NoC to builders

  1. k3kish - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:


    There are standard templates for deciding the building height in area which include various factor width of the road where building is constructed, future planning by various govt agencies and many others. On this basis, this is decided and can be checked on internet. In case of any issue, please revert back.

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