Shop detials

Public Information Office - C Ward Mumbai

Dear Sir,

I would like to ask the Mumbai Munical Corporation under RTI act of 2005 a detailed map of a particular shop@ Abdul rehman street where the shop owner have violated some of the important rules such as he has constructed 2 showcase outside the shop covering the footpath & he has lowered the flooring by 2 foots  & the shop board is also illegally constructed.


Si need to understand as to how do i geta detialed plan of that particular shop from BMC , so that i can lodge a complaint in BMC with detial & proof , then only the BMC guys will wake up else nothing will happen & people will suffer from walking on the footpath.

Thanks a lot





2 Responses to Shop detials

  1. Nawal Agrawal says:

    Dear Sir,
    Thanx for letting us know this issue but I would recommend to file a complaint in BMC regarding this case and than file the RTI on that application.

    Team GUC

  2. Anand Sharma says:

    Dear Sir,
    Please let me know what is the status of your complaint to the BMC.
    Based on your complaint and the response from the BMC, as mr. nawal says, we can then file an RTI

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