Resident Doctors duty roster

Deputy MS(Admn) Dr BSAHospital, Sector 6 Rohini,Delhi PIN 110085

Under RTI Act 2005, please provide the

following information.

1Please provide list of Junior Residents working in your hospital

with MCI/DMC registration number

.2 Please also provide their duty roster and attendance

details from Dec 2011 to Feb 2012.

6 Responses to Resident Doctors duty roster

  1. Anand Sharma says:

    This is a well drafted RTI application.
    can you please confirm the exact address and the name of the Public Information Officer, before we file this RTI application ?

  2. Anand Sharma says:

    Also, We need more details of this hospital. If this is a private hospital, then we may not be able to get the information you are seeking under the RTI Act 2005

  3. skymoon9 says:

    Sir, this is a govt hospital administered by Delhi govt. The PIO’s address is same as it is available on delhi govt know your PIO website. The fullname of hospital is Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital. Please file it as it is covered under RTIA.

  4. Anand Sharma says:

    Draft of The RTI Application
    The Public Information Officer
    Deputy MS(Admn)
    Dr BalaSaheb Ambedkar Hospital,
    Sector 6
    Delhi PIN 110085

    Sub: Information required under the RTI Act 2005

    Dear Sir,
    Under RTI Act 2005, please provide the

    following information.

    1Please provide list of Junior Residents working in your hospital

    with MCI/DMC registration number

    .2 Please also provide their duty roster and attendance

    details from Dec 2011 to Feb 2012

  5. Odysseus says:

    Is there anything wrong in that hospital ?

    Is there a chance of being victimized for asking these information ?

  6. Param - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    One of our volunteers has filed this application.However as he is a novice in filing RTI applications in RTI Anonymous, he has not kept track of the Speed Post Consignment Number.
    The Speed Post Consignment Number is one of these five numbers:
    We apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused.

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