Details on Toll and surcharge collected on VASHI-MANKHURD(Connects Navi mumbai to Mumbai) bridge.

National Highways Authority of India No.G-5 & 6, Sector – 10 Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075. Contact No.011-25074100 (Extn : 1520)

Sub: Information required under the RTI Act 2005

Please provide the total cost for the construction of Vashi-Mankhurd bridges:

1)Road bridge

2)Railway bridge.


Vashi-Mankhurd Road Bridge:

  1. Date of Completion of the construction of the Road bridge
  2. Date when the bridge was opened for public use.
  3. Date, from which the toll was levied
  4. Numbers of vehicle(for ex:LMV,MCWG,LMV-TR) pass through the Road Bridge from the date, the bridge was opened to the public till January 1st 2012
  5. Total amount of toll collected from the date, the bridge was opened to the public till January 1st 2012 it.
  6. Please provide the exact amount in rupees that has gone for the the recovery of cost of building the bridge
  7. Average number of vehicle passes daily.
  8. The exact amount in rupees of the cost recovered and the exact cost of the bridge , still to be recovered


Vashi-Mankhurd railway bridge:

  1. Date of Completion of the construction of the Road bridge
  2. Date when the bridge was opened for public use.
  3. Exact amount of surcharge collected from a first class and second class ticket sales
  4. Number of commuters travels per day between Vashi and Mankhurd from railway
  5. Total Number of commuters traveled through vashi-mankhurd railway line from the date, the bridge was opened to the public till January 1st 2012
  6. The exact amount in rupees of the cost recovered and the exact cost of the bridge , still to be recovered


6 Responses to Details on Toll and surcharge collected on VASHI-MANKHURD(Connects Navi mumbai to Mumbai) bridge.

  1. Anand Sharma says:

    Did some minor changes, so that the application does not have “questions”
    and moved to Drafted Category

  2. hbhadu says:

    RTI filed reg post no 10681/ 248

  3. hbhadu says:

    Application transfered under section 6(3)to maharastra road development corporation ltd
    File: Scan1-1.PDF

  4. jitu11in says:

    please file a appeal

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