Furnish locations of TASMAC (Liquour shops) in RA Puram,Chennai

Furnish locations of TASMAC (Liquour shops) at RA Puram Chennai


  1. Where are the TASMAC ( Liquour shops) located in RA Puram Chennai , 600028?
  2. Are there any TASMAC shop  located adjacent or in close vicinity of  a  residential buildings/locality?
  3. If yes,  which authority  gave permission for locating  TASMAC  in a residential area & if yes, till which date?


4 Responses to Furnish locations of TASMAC (Liquour shops) in RA Puram,Chennai

  1. Ankit says:

    This can be non anonymous in my opinion unless specific concerns mentioned by applicant

  2. veeravalli50 says:

    Is there any advantage for being Non Anonynous?
    The TASMC shops in Chennai are usually licensed to local, powerful politicians and hence I prefer the RTI is anonymous.
    Please see photo of a TASMAC liquor shop, located inside compound of a residential apartment in RA Puram Chennai

  3. veeravalli50 says:

    How come Status is shown as “Resolved Non Anonymous RTI”?
    I don’t see any response from the State Authorities?
    Nuisance due to location of TASMAC liquor shops close to Residences is widley prevalent in Chennai and I request this be taken up. For reasons mentioned already it is better be Anonymous

  4. veeravalli50 says:

    Dear Administrator, RTI Anonymous
    Please clarify if the above RTI, about 1 year old, has been filed

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