MTNL DELHI LANDLINE – 22962363 Information

  1. Please provide the details of complaints that has been loadged by the customer of MTNL Delhi Landline No -22962363 during period from July 2010 to till date.
  2. Please provide the details of why Land-line No- 22962363 is not working since July,2010.
  3. When Landline No- 229623 is not working since July,2012 and bill for July 2010 till already paid. How bill was generated after July 2010  when customer didn’t use his services of phone and broadband after July 2010 .
  4.  Please notify what is the status of Account of Land-line No – 22962363.
  5. Please give the name of concerned officer who is responsible for the inconvenience to the MTNL Delhi customer-22962363 who was unable to use his services from July 2010.


One Response to MTNL DELHI LANDLINE – 22962363 Information

  1. greatarc93 says:

    We can only file those applications which are required to be anonymous.

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