information regarding transfers andhra pradesh : G.O.Ms.No.146, Dated: 01.06.2012


my mothers works as assistant proffessor in goverment college of nursing kadapa , andhra pradesh and has completed 3 years and she is eligible for an transfer.

sir there has been a lift of ban on transfers . G.O.Ms.No.146 , Dated: 01.06.2012

sir there have been some issues over which i need information.

issue no 1: while doing a general transfer will the entire service of the person will be taken into consideration or just the service of the person in that mother has completed 3 years in her present station but she has a seniority of service when compared to other applicants who have also completed 3 years but junoir to my mother an are yet put ahead in the list cause ther have a 7 days senoirty in that sation but still a 1 year junior when compared with her service

issue 2: information regarding the 20% rule on transfers.

how does the 20% rule in transfers work.

1) will there be tansfers in 20% of the entire emp0loyee in that cadre in andhra pradesh.
2) will there be transfer of 20% of transfer of employee per station
3) is there is any lower limit for the application of the 20% rule.

as this rule is just to ensure dislocation of work.

as per the 20% rule… if there are 1000 applicants for transfer only 200 of them will be transfered.

but if the number of applicants are less as 30 in our case only 6 will be transfered which is very less . so there has to be a lower limit

4)and in 2011 during the transfers the people over the office say that if one person lifts another person and is transfered and other person replaces her … then they consider it as 2 transfers and not as 1.. which puts us at a lot of disadvantage reducing the number of 6 transfers to only 3 transfers.

thanking you sir.


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