Holding ” Mother Teresa’s charity ” accountable for their monumental medical negligence and financial fraud.

I realized that all of the events I had witnessed amounted to nothing more than a systematic human rights violation and a financial scam of monumental and criminal proportions.
Workers washing needles under tap water only to be reused again. Medicine and other vital items being store for months on end, expiring and eventually still applied sporadically to patients. Volunteers with little or no training carrying out dangerous work on patients with highly contagious cases of Tuberculosis, leprosy and other life threatening illnesses, while the workers of the charity patently refuse to accept and implement machinery and equipment that would safely automate processes and save lives.
Not once in its sixty year history, have the Missionaries of Charity reported the money they’ve taken in donations, what percentage they use for administration and where the rest has been applied and how. Since its inception, defectors of the organization and other journalists have placed the figure upwards of one billion dollars and counting.
If any other organization did this systematically for six decades, there would be arrests and criminal charges; so why the exception here?
This is a petition for the government of India to demand 100% financial and medical accountability from the Missionaries of Charity. At the government’s request, this organization must provide.


RTI Filling:

- Complete account of all donations received each year since it has been operating in Indian soil
- Complete records and statements of all bank accounts and balances
- Complete account of how the money is being spent on the charitable purpose
- Complete account of the percentage of funds spent on administrative cost



Venessa Nadar.


2 Responses to Holding ” Mother Teresa’s charity ” accountable for their monumental medical negligence and financial fraud.

  1. mynationicare4it says:

    Dear Nadar,
    The details required in your case is very voluminous.It is better to pressurize Govt. to conduct an official inquiry in to the organization. If they fail then a RTI can be filed to know the result. This is my humble suggestion.

  2. Ankit says:

    I agree, the information is too voluminous. In my my opinion you can write to Government about it then ask them what action they have taken on your complaint. RTI will be filed anonymously then.

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