Information under RTI Act-2005 regarding irregularities found in the departmental and LDCE exams for the post of JE (Sig).

The Public Information Officer,


Sr. Divisional Personnel Officer,

South Eastern Railway, Chakradharpur

Sub: RTI


Most humbly and respectfully I the undersigned want the following information regarding the selection tests/examinations for the post of JE (Sig), in PB-2, Rs.9300-34800/- with GP Rs. 4200/- DPO/CKP’s letter No. – 3E/S&T/CKP/GS/JE (Sig)/20%/11, IAQ dated: 11.01.2012 and DPO/CKP’s letter No. – 3E/S&T/5 /CKP/option/JE (S)/ 11, DPQ dated:


  1. I want to know that on which ground/rule/law the question asked in the Exams conducted for JE (Signal) were out of the syllabus which has been issued by the administration for imparting training to the SC/ST candidate.
  2. Why the question asked by the administration in the exam was not in both the languages i.e. Hindi and English and who is responsible for violating the official language act?
  3. Why the level of training imparted to the SC/ST candidates has not been maintained and also not mentioned in the syllabus?
  4.  Why it has not been mentioned in the syllabus that questions from RAJBHSHA will be asked and whether it is compulsory or not and also training for the same has not been imparted to SC/ST Staff?
  5. Whether writing short notes on i. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, ii. Constitution of India etc. belongs to Raj Bhasha?
  6. Why objective type questions asked about shield cutoff frequency (QNo. 3), opto coupler (QNo. 4), Contract agreement (QNo. 12), Lightening (QNo. 20, 21) etc were out of syllabus or concern?
  7. Why for 40 % quota in subjective type questions: QNo. 1. Relating to front plate, QNo. 2. UFSBI, TPWS, RCC, QNo. 4, QNo. 5, QNo. 6 and also in objective type questions for 40 % quota QNo. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 etc. were out of syllabus?
  8. What are detailed procedure and pattern of conducting the Exams and why it is not mentioned in the syllabus of Exams and widely circulated among all the candidates?
  9. How a person who does not know the syllabus has prepared the question paper?
  10. Why the standards of questions asked do not have the same level as the training imparted in the S&T training schools for Maintenance Level Staff?
  11. Why ratio of objective type and subjective type question has not been maintained uniformly for both the exams?
  12. Why there is no provision of showing the evaluated answer sheet for maintaining transparency?
  13. Exams were taken in 2 part computer paper with carbon sheet, but your honour should think about the printed Serial No. (Generally on the right hand side top corner) mentioned on these types of paper, and in this condition how the exams given will be impartial?
  14.  How a person who has not scored 60 % marks in the 20% IAQ has been declared qualified?
  15. Under the above mentioned large number of irregularities how the results published will be impartial and why the both exams has not been cancelled and responsible person should be punished for wastage of such a huge amount of railways resources and manpower?

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