Relaying roads without scraping off old road causing neighborhoods to sink under

To, The Public Information Officer, Pallavapuram Municipality, Chromepet, Chennai 44, Tamil Nadu.


The Public Information Officer,

Pallavapuram Municipality,


Chennai 44,

Tamil Nadu.


Respected Sir/Madam,

I am noticing a disturbing trend when new roads are laid in our neighborhood. The new road is being laid on top of the existing road without scraping the old road.

This is causing the height of the road to gain few inches every time.

Our house used to be on a 3 feet higher level when compared to the street/road. Now, due to the new roads that got laid over and over on top of the old roads,   our house and most of the other houses in our neighborhood is below the level of the street road. This is causing huge hardships every day and great pains especially during  rainy season when rainwater and sewage water enter the house premises. This is also causing health issues.

It is possibly due to oversights and bad implementation of the road projects without properly following the rules and regulations and contractual terms.

I would like to know the following information, under the Right to Information Act, 2005.

1) When was the last time new road was laid at Srinivasa nagar, Chitlapakkam, Chennai 64.

2) Please provide the contractual terms that was published by municipality/government for laying the road, at that time.

3) How much money was  allocated and paid for laying the road, to the contractor, at that time?

4) Who from Pallavapuram Municipality was responsible for inspecting the quality of the road and adherence to the contract terms, at that time?

5) Did the road meet all the terms stipulated in the contractual agreement? if not, please provide the list that did not conform to the contractual term and what was done to remediate the flaws?

6) When is the municipality planning to lay new roads at Srinivasa Nagar, Chitlapakkam, Chennai 64.

7) What steps are being planned by municipality to maintain the road level to stay unaltered when new roads are being laid?

8) If the contractor who laid the roads last time, did not meet all contractual terms, are they being excluded from offering new contracts?

9) Are the laws different for streets in prime residential areas such as Cathedral Road, Chennai? Are the street roads gaining heights even there?

10) What can I do to ensure new roads do not gain height in my street when roads are to be laid next time? Who should I reach out to?

I thank the department for taking care of our roads, but the lack of enforcements to maintain the road level is making the neighborhood living conditions very low. I strongly request the authorities to take every possible step at their disposal to ensure our neighborhoods are of high standards and are in a livable condition. It is our collective responsibility that we owe to our future generations.

Jai Hind!


Thank you

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