Faulty BPL list used in Various Government schemes for BPL-in Gujarat

The PIO, Office of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Gujarat. Sector-18,Gandhinagar Phone: 23252930


The PIO,

Office of Directorate of Economics and Statistics,

Government of Gujarat.


Phone: 23252930


Thre are various Central as well as State Government’s good schemes going on for the BPL benefecieries.

But the quality of BPL data is dismal.Influential people and by bribing the talatis and other government officials,people are  getting the benefits of these schemes which are meant for BPL families, and the real poor are not getting the benefits.

Various health schemes like RSBY, Chiranjeevi yojna , Balsakha yojna ,various agricultural schemes,irrigation schemes, subsidies, Food and ration schemes etc are totally dependent on the BPL data what the state provides.

Have you undertaken any study , how authentic is the BPL data , whether they can be manipulated while providing service under various schemes and whether people are misusing various schemes or not, so that the real BPL should atleast get the benefit of the schemes? If not why?

Why the taxpayer’s money is being wasted in such various schemes which is so much dependent on the BPL data ,and the data itself is faulty or can be manipulated by corruption,influence,etc at the time of service delivery to the benefecieries in various government schemes?


4 Responses to Faulty BPL list used in Various Government schemes for BPL-in Gujarat

  1. shivani123 says:

    In Gujarat Mr. Modi running a 15000 crores scheme named Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana.All other schemes as stated above are running under this scheme.The motive of the scheme is to change lacs of families from BPL to APL.Till date crores of rupees spent.In some schemes the government put crores of rupees on NGO’s hand.In contract terms with NGOs the target must be achieved compulsory.But after some years what is the reality?The result is a Big Zero.Tax payers crores of rupees gone to waste!!! ‘KHATO NATHI KHAVA DETO NATHI’

  2. AKP - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:


    While this application can be filed using the text given by you. In my opinion, the reply will only give you the views of the PIO. It would be effective if you can frame the questions or modify the application to specifically demand answers which can either force the authority to take action or can help you to further your fight.

    Please let us know if you, instead, like to proceed with this application.


  3. shivani123 says:

    I am ready to proceed with this application,if this team help to frame the questions.In my opinion this application also be sent to tribal department gujarat.

  4. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Dear Sir
    I would suggest that you go take the pain of reading the following link, to get the details of how to file/draft RTI applications. https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=172673532819755
    You can also check the various filed RTI’s, on this site as examples

    Further – You can also contact http://www.rtination.com, who specialise in drafting RTI applications for non-anonymous RTI Requests.

    RTI Anonymous is an organization, meant to protect and shield RTI Requestors/Activists, who are threatened with physical harm and we would like to focus on that preferably. Hope you understand our situation.

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