RTI with the AP Legislative Assembly

The Public Information Officer / Dy. Secretary, A.P. Legislative Assembly, Nampally, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh. - 500 004

Dear RTI Anonymous,

Can you please help me file this RTI with the AP legislative assembly. I’m not in India to file this RTI myself and hence need your help or if you have other suggestions, please let me know. Also I’m not sure who the PIO should be ?






SUB: Reg Seeking information under the provisions of the “Right to Information” act 2005 (RTI 2005) about the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly.

1) Please provide the details of the number of days the assembly session was held starting from Jan 1st 2010 till Nov 1st 2011.
2) Please provide the number of hours for which the assembly sessions were conducted.
3) Please provide the names of the bills that were introduced and passed during the above mentioned sessions.

4) Please provide the names of the bills that were withdrawn during the above mentioned sessions and reasons of why they were withdrawn.

10 Responses to RTI with the AP Legislative Assembly

  1. Vinita Deshmukh - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    December 2011 is yet to arrive so you can ask for information until November 2011. Details of bills is an extremely exhaustive information. You could ask for the bills that were introduced/passed and then decide the details of which you would like to see and then make another RTI application

  2. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Based on Vinitaji’s recommendations, I have editted the original RTI Application.
    Please review my changes and also please take pain to find the name and details of the PIO and provide us the same.
    We would then file this RTI in our nam

  3. Vinita Deshmukh - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Tks Anand

  4. sureshe says:

    Thanks for your responses. Below is the PIO officer information.

    The Public Information Officer /
    Dy. Secretary, A.P. Legislative Assembly,
    Nampally, Hyderabad

    Please let me know if you need anything else.


  5. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Dear Suresh
    I have updated this request with the PIO information. and moved this to the Drafted RTI category. One of our team-member will take printout of this and file the RTI ASAP.

    BTW, Are u sure of the complete postal address of the PIO.. If you can provide those details, it would be much easier for our team-members to file this RTI

  6. sureshe says:

    Thanks Anand for your timely response.

    Here is the information.
    Dy. Secretary, A.P. Legislative Assembly,
    Nampally, Hyderabad 500 004

  7. sureshe says:

    Hi Anand,

    Hoping the RTI has been filed or if you need any further information, please do let me know.

    thanks for your help !

  8. Param Dhar says:

    We have filed this RTi Application.
    Speed Post Consignment Number: EW984105311IN

  9. Param - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    We have received reply to this RTI Application. The reply is given here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B9Je7U8iW2P6OWN4ZWh1TGVRbEtCSHpSZkxlMFBJdw

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