Misuse of government money.

Child development project officer Block-Jhanjharpur, Dist-Madhubani, Bihar. (it falls under social welfare dept., govt. of Bihar.)

Name of the office and PIO, to be asked from:-

The CDPO(child development project officer) Block-Jhanjharpur, Dist-Madhubani

Block  office – Jhanjharpur.

Name of the person and place , to be asked about :–

Julie kumari

Designation:- Sewika

(  aanganwadi kendra no.-2, panchayat- Parsa, Block-Jhanjharpur, Dist- Madhubani, Bihar)

Information, to be asked:-

1. Whether Ms. Julie Kumari’s Std X board certificate was verified from concerned board/council?

2. Please provide me  the date, when the AAM SABHA of the panchayat was called for the approval of her appointment as sewika?  Also provide me the minutes/document of the same, duly signed by all ward members of the panchayat.
If the AAM SABHA of the panchayat, was not called, then please provide the criterion or quota, under which Ms Julie Kumari was appointed as a Sewika.

3. Please provide the names of the people, who approved the above-said person’s appointment.

4. Please provide me the date of appointment of Ms Julie Kumari for the above said post.

5. Please provide me the information, on whether the seat for the post of Sewika,  was reserved for other categories like SC,ST,OBC.
6. If the seat was reserved, please provide me a copy of  the reservation roaster ,and details of other candidates, who had applied for the same post.

So, these information are to be sought from the said officer.

12 Responses to Misuse of government money.

  1. pawansi says:

    Kindly let me know about the proceedings of this application, which I will be obliged for.

  2. Vinita Deshmukh - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    The RTI application can be filed. the first question should be: provide copy of her Std X board certificate(as the term `matriculation’ is not used)

  3. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have updated your RTI application as per the advice of Vinitaji and also editted few other points , to make this more effective. Also, I do not think, we can ask how is the person related to any other panchayat member and hence I have deleted it.

    Please remember, RTI-Act is only to obtain the relevant documents. You need to use these documents to file a case/complaint. RTI cannot help u in verifying whether the documents, provided by Ms Julie Kumari is fake or real.

    Also, since you are from Bihar, I would strongly urge you to watch this video to see how effectively you can file RTI applications over phone.

  4. Vinita Deshmukh - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Anand, the RTI application is absolutely fine. No, you cannot ask about personal relationships under RTI.

  5. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Here is an email exchange, between the applicant and answer received by one of our experts (who is a retired Registrar and an Ex-PIO)
    Email from the Applicant —
    Dear Anand,
    Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions. I want to bring two facts in your notice.
    1. As per my knowledge,(gained in workshop,addressed by Mr.Arvind kejriwal,some years back) there is a procedure of certificate verification in govt. jobs and one can ask the dept. for its verification. you are pointing out to get copy of the same. How would we come to know its authenticity? again, by sending it to concerned board???
    2. As per rules of that service, any relative of panchayat members was not able to apply for the post, while her husband was panchayat member in those days. how this fact could be exposed without that question?
    They have made regulations, a joke and committing malpractices on a daily basis. I don’t deny, you are expert but I too have the minimum knowledge of what RTI is for, and what not. kindly convince me over this. I don’t think, this is only for getting xerox copy of documents.
    Reply back from one of our esteemed experts –
    Hi Anand,
    Regarding verification of certificates in Govt: This task arises at the time of initial
    appointment of a person to Govt service. At the time of joining, the person has to produce the originals
    of all the certificates he has made along with the application for appointment. These copies of
    certificates are verified with reference to the originals and a certificate to that effect recorded on of the
    certificates with reference to the copies which will form the service record of the person. Only in the
    case of a doubt as to the genuineness of the originals of the certificate, the issue will be taken up discretely
    with the concerned University/Board/School. Also if somebody makes a written complaint about the
    genuineness of the certificate at any time later, this verification is made with reference to such bodies
    which has issued the certificate.
    Regarding the second question, whether the spouse can apply for a position where the other spouse
    is already in appointment in the same office: Any person who fulfills the norms of recruitment set in the
    advertisement, can apply for the post if he/she is otherwise qualified. But the selection committee
    interviewing such a candidate should not have a member who is closely related to the candidate. This
    is the position in any Govt Department.
    In the case before our hand, we cannot ask under RTI whether the certificate is fake or not.
    In spite of this, if the person knows that the certificate produced is a fake one, he can complain to the police,
    or Vigilance Dept. Also we cannot ask under RTI about the relationship of a person with the other.

  6. pawansi says:

    Many thanks Anand ji, Vinita ji and all team members. Kindly let me know, whether it was filed before the said officer or not? plz.

  7. pawansi says:

    kindly let me know, was it sent to the said officer?

  8. praveen.pandey01 says:

    बि हार सरकार ने प्रशासनिक पारदर्शिता के क्षेत्र में विशिष्ट पहल करते हुए सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियमके अंतर्गत 29 जनवरी 2007 को “जानकारी” सुविधा केन्द्र की स्थापनाकी थी। भारतवर्ष में पहली बार बिहार सरकार ने ICT का प्रभावशाली ढंग से प्रयोग करते हुए सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम को व्यापक स्तर पर प्रसारित करने एवं आम लोगों के पहुँच में लाने का काम किया है। बिहार सरकार की इस पहल को भारत सरकार द्वारा ई-गवर्नेन्स का उत्कृष्ट उदाहरण मानते हुए पुरस्कृत भी किया गया है औरइस क्षेत्र में इसे एक आदर्श के रूप में देखा जा रहा है।
    जानकारी के रूप में एक सुविधा केन्द्रकी स्थापना की गई है। कोई भी व्यक्ति बिहार में किसी स्थान से 155311 पर फोन करके सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम के तहत अपना आवेदन लिखवा सकता है जिसे संबंधित कार्यालय के लोक सूचना पदाधिकारी को डाक/ई-मेल द्वारा भेजा जाता है। अब इस व्यवस्था को विस्तारितकरते हुए आम आदमी को ऑनलाईन RTI आवेदनदर्ज कराने की सुविधा प्रदान की जा रही है। ऑनलाईन “जानकारी” द्वारा कोई भी व्यक्ति “जानकारी” वेबसाईट पर अपना आवेदन दर्ज करा सकता है जिसे विधिवत् आवेदन फीस भुगतान के पश्चात् संबंधित विभाग/कार्यालय के लोक सूचना पदाधिकारी के पास ऑनलाईन भेज देने की व्यवस्था है। प्राप्ति रसीद ई-मेल के माध्यम में आवेदक को भी भेजने की व्यवस्था है।
    किसी भी सवाल और जवाब के लिए, कृपया हमारी निम्नलिखित वेबसाइट पर जाएँ

  9. This RTI has been filed by us.

    Speed post consignment number: EM160188283TN

  10. Param - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    We have received reply to this RTI Application.
    The reply is given below.

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