Information of Scholarship

Public Information Officer, Govt of UP, Room No.- 307, (Third Floor) Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan, Uttar Pradesh Secretariat, Lucknow 226001.

Dear Sir/Madam,


I have not got my scholarship for the session 2010-11 which is given to us by UP gov with an additional fee reimbursement

amount. The total amount which should b given to a GEN category student is approx Rs.48000.

Firstly we were told by the college authority that we will get it as soon as the money is transfered to college account by the gov.

Even our session is completed about 5months before but we are not provided with any information. The staff of samaj kalyan office says that no scholarship will be provided  for our session now.

Plz suggest me what I can do in this matter.

We hav also come to know that in some colleges of our city scholarship has been given many days before and even in my college the SC/ST students and half of the OBC students have also got it.

Plz help me..



19 Responses to Information of Scholarship

  1. malathy dev says:

    address of PIO is

    Public Information Officer, Govt of UP, Room No.- 307, (Third Floor) Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan, Uttar Pradesh Secretariat, Lucknow 226001.

  2. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Please provide the following information:
    1. Is the fee reimbursement directly to the student or through the instituition?
    2. What are the eligibility conditions? Are there any other tems and conditions of the scholarship?
    3. How does a student register to receive the scholarship? Where does he apply? How is the registration confirmed? Is there a separate registration number or the roll number is used?

    • pkumar51182 says:

      Please sir, Help me out

      I am a student of Sachdeva Institute of Technology, Mathura and not recieved my scholarship and fee reimbursement for General Category since 2011-2012 session. My name is being displayed on the site but still no response its almost a year now. I am recieving the amounts for year 2009-2010 and 2010-11 but not got 2011-12.Please Help me. I am attaching the snapshots of the website with my name on it.

  3. sonalmishra says:

    Hello Sir,
    The fee reimbursment is given through the institution. The students whose fathers’ yearly income is below 1lakh rupees per annum are provided by this scholarship+ fee reimbursement amount. There is no other condition and it is given to the students of all categories i.e. gen, st, sc and obc.
    There is a form which we get from our college finance office which is to be filled evry year.
    At the website the list of students and the amount of scholarship and fee reimbursement is displayed for every institute.
    A few months before it displayed our name at this website and the reimbursement amount was 48000. But now there is no such list.
    ->session 2010-11
    ->institute/university list
    ->shambhunath institute of engineering & technology allahabad

  4. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    1. The link provided is not opening for some reason.
    2. What is the status of scholarship for this year ie 2011-12?
    3. Could you provide fax or email address of the PIO? Also please confirm the address as NO deptt is mentioned in the address provided by you.
    4. I shall put a draft RTI for you to check soon.

  5. malathy dev says:

    In UP state, RTI work is being mostly handled at CM’s office of all departments. Fax no or email is not provided. Phone numbers are given. These are: 2238184,2215138. Note Lucknow code is 0522.
    Even is no Dept mentioned, the PIO who receives the application will redirect, and he will do it properly.

  6. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    1. Please check RTI application attached.
    2. Suggest changes/ improvements. It must get a reply.
    3. I shall file it on 30 Dec 2011.
    File: RTIapplLKO.doc

  7. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Nice .. !! very well drafted. To the point !!
    Moving this to Drafted Category

  8. malathy dev says:

    Complainant Sonal Mishra,

    Application will now be posted so please confirm finally that your complaint has been adequately addressed. Final word is always the complainant’s. Three days were given for you. If still you want something included respond immediately.

  9. sonalmishra says:

    I want one more point to be included i.e. if the amount is pending, in what time it will be transferred to the college account!


  10. Malathy Dev - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    RTIA team,

    Instead of mutual appreciation and taking decisions among each other, kindly always wait for complainant’s clear ok.


    • Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

      Three reason for moving this immediately to the drafted RTI :
      1. The initial review by myself, was ok. (I agree, I am not the expert in this and my decision is not binding)
      2. Every post, we put here, sends an automatic email to the requestor and in turn puts a little pressure on them to respond immediately. In this case, sonalmishra replied immly. We have cases, where complainant has not responded for months.
      3. Moving it to Drafted, just means that volunteers have less things to work-on in the unprocessed category. It still takes atleast a week, sometimes, before somebody really files it and there is still room for changes and improvement, as seen above on how Mr. Nightwatch replied.

      As to the other question in another post :
      RTI-A was initially started with the concept that it will “just” file RTI’s on people’s behalf. We were initially not planning to draft RTI Applications (and be different from other orgn. like RTI-Nation, RTI-Aid India etc.) Given the volume of request and the truth of life is that 75% of the complainants just put a complaint, with no details and effort to to take any pain or research. Hence we ended up providing that service of drafting RTI Request, within reasonable reasons. Most time, we guide people to see how the filed RTI’s and how to find PIO’s and draft it themselves.

      RTI-A Anonymous is a virtual organization. (Check this link to see how it works —
      and a certain degree of verto-ing becomes necessary, to keep things under control on the internet.
      I agree, there has a been a lot of times, we have faltered and made mistakes and apologized/corrected and correcting ourselves. We would be highly indebted to you, if you can point out any of our mistakes. It will really help us to not only improve the orgn. but us personally.
      You can email me to my personal email address ( or contact me at ( I am online 24/7.
      Having said that, any private orgn. functions per the directions of a CEO/Director (whatever u can name it.. ) and running things 100% democratically, is not something I believe in. We need to reserve certain veto powers . Can talk more thru email/chat ..

  11. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    I have file this RTI. Copy attached.
    2. Filed in Ritesh’s name as reply is likely in Feb & I will not be able to follow up.
    3. Speed post No. ED275728552IN
    File: RTIAnonyLKO.doc

  12. sonalmishra says:

    Sir I hav not got any response of my complaint till now. May I know in what time i will get the information.

  13. Malathy Dev says:

    Complainant Sonal,

    PIO’s reply has not been received so far. When received it will be definitely posted here. Despite 30-day limit, PIOs sometimes delay their response. Sometimes they try to give excuse of postal delays, at other times there is no excuse at all. This is a problem with many PIOs so we are trying to take it up with the Central Information Commission, along with some other similar issues. Please see application no.10990 (application no. is found on top on the address bar. For instance, your application no. as you can see on top of this page is 8852) In fact, you may also add your own comment on the page for Application no. 10990, because after all it is the applicant who really suffers so your direct views about this attitude by PIOs will be quite useful.

  14. Param - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    We have received reply to this RTI Application.The reply is given here.


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