I know , RTO of nagaland , Kohima, Recieve Bribe

Dear All,

RTO of nagaland recieve the bribe for giving Driving License.

He has given Driving License without Drivint test and without presenct of candidate also.

so How to expose this ?



2 Responses to I know , RTO of nagaland , Kohima, Recieve Bribe

  1. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Dear Sir, First of all with just this much information we cannot file any kind of RTI.
    RTI-Anonymous is an orgn. that files for obtaining govt. document from govt. departments. Even if we file for an RTI to show the details of the type of driving license applied, the RTO will show enough proof thru various documents, that the actual applicant was present.
    One idea, I can suggest for you would be to get hold of a local journalist/reporter and try to do a sting operation against these officials.
    Filing an RTI thru RTI-Anonymous would not help

  2. Aditya Jain, RTI Anonymous Team says:

    Why do all of us treat RTI like a childs play
    RTI is very good bud considering that every RTI will expose scams and irregularities is bad
    I know how much problem I face while filing and dealing with RTI .
    I request RTI Anonymous team to change the category “RTI Leaks” to RTI Relevations again because only 2-3 out of 35 RTI have exposed something
    There are many RTI where you have not got any information and Putting them in category “RTI Leaks” is useless and puts a negetive impact on people
    First I request you to plan and then proceed with GU4C or RTI-A

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