land receipt

sunil kumar DIG saran area .chapra.bihar

land receipt binod kumar dube s/o bishwanath duby .i want to know how much case pending in saran area (chapra.siwan.gopalganj)what is prograss in police verification.he is 2nd time zila parsad(ragunathpur,siwan) he make fake docment in chapra rajistary office in old land proparty.first he renty that land after he not pay rent show his grandfather buy that proparty .his father and one brother inocent is inocent pls request to pls enquery that person.he make lone pnb my land his a/c number is 1659008700001975.m/s supremo cement works.(opp cottan mill bhadha,siwan)case run that proparty last 10 year. i also attach his land recept mr duby submit in siwan court pls verify its real or fake doc if doc fake any action by police .many bank case pending in court no timly verifecation court give again date.

3 Responses to land receipt

  1. Param Dhar says:

    We have drafted this RTI Application.
    The draft is here:

    sunil kumar
    DIG saran area
    chapra bihar

    Dear Sir,
    Please provide me with the following information.
    1) Please provide me the total number of cases pending against Binod Kumar Dubey, member of the zilla parishad (Raghunathpur, Siwan) and his father Bishwananth Dubey in the entire Saran Area. (Chapra ,Siwan ,Gopalganj)
    2) For each and every case please provide the details of the case which should include the latest police verification report on the case.
    This application is based on tip-offs received from personal sources. So kindly do ensure its confidentiality. A failure on this account may also endanger the safety of some people.
    Preferred language in which information is desired is Hindi or English. In case any of the above-asked information is held by or related to another public authority, you are requested to transfer the application or such part of it as may be appropriate to that other public authority with an intimation to the undersigned (Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act).
    If the information sought is accommodated in more than 25 Pages, please give it to me in a Compact Disk (CD) instead of hard copy.

    I am hereby attaching postal order worth Rs. 10 as fees for answering the RTI Application.

    I hereby confirm that I am a citizen of India.

  2. Anand Sharma says:

    Moving this to the Drafted RTI Category

  3. praveen.pandey01 says:

    posal order not accpted by bihar rti act 2008

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