missing University bus

Public Information Officer Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Sector - 16C Dwarka Delhi - 110075, India

RTI application

With respect to RTV small bus service being run at tax payers expense between Delhi Dwarka Sector 14 Metro station and GGSIP University and back:

1. In the past one year, how many trips have been missed?

2. In how many trips in the past one year, has no board appeared on the bus about its destination?

3. Why does no board/ hoarding about the service and timings appear at the metro station?

4. Why does no board/ hoarding about the service and timings appear at the University?

5. Why has no alternative been arranged for 1 to 2pm when bus crew is at lunch, but many university classes and exams start at 2 or 2.30pm so students are forced to take private transport, when their families have already paid for the bus service through taxes?

6. Why is bus allowed to go to fill gas during uiniversity hours, making students wait?

23 Responses to missing University bus

  1. jkp says:

    In my opinion point 2 above is inappropriate. And for the remaining portion it can be as under.
    Shri Anuj Dayal, Public Information Officer,
    Chief Public Relations Officer Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001 (O) 23418415.

    Subject: Information under RTI Act regarding feeder bus service between Delhi Dwarka Sector 14 Metro Station and GGSIP University and back.


    Kindly provide me the following information:

    1. In the past one year, how many trips of feeder bus service between Delhi Dwarka Sector 14 Metro station and GGSIP University have been missed?
    2. Does there is a board/ hoarding about the service and timings of feeder bus service appear at the metro station?
    3. Does there is a board/ hoarding about the service and timings of feeder bus service appear at GGSIP University?
    4. What is the status of feeder bus service during lunch hours of bus crew i.e.between 1 to 2pm.
    5. Why is feeder buses allowed to go to fill gas during uiniversity hours, making students wait?


  2. malathy dev says:

    Thanks. Draft is good. You may consider following points but take final decision so that the application moves to next stage of printing and posting.

    1. Point about bus was raised by students with Univ, but they said “you are getting free service so don’t make demands.” This is why RTI can mention that though free the service is being run on taxpayer’s money for which the students’ parents have already paid thru taxes.
    2. Just as having no board or notice about the service or about timings of the bus at the station or at the Univ is painful, so also not having a notice on the bus, isn’t it?
    3. It may also be asked, ” why has the University not tried to find the reason that larger number of students are forced to use private auto or rickshaw than students using the bus?” There is a nexus between bus operator and auto/rickshaw wallas, with traffic police taking fro both parties.

  3. malathy dev says:

    In your point no 2 and 3, maybe this tag can be added: “If not, why not?”

  4. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    1. Please try and frame the RTI from the point of view of “Rules/Instructions/Orders” as these are in material form and constitute ‘information’ under the RTIA. So it would be better to ask DMRC as to what orders/instructions/ contract conditions it has laid down for RTV service. How does it monitor and enforce them?
    2. Then a question about boards, timing for refilling and lunch hours can be asked. About lunch hour it would be more pertinent to ask if it can be rescheduled earlier or later than 1-2pm.
    3. Questions ‘if not, why not’ do not fall under RTIA( there are numerous CIC rulings on the issue) and CPIOs love to outright reject such requests for information.

  5. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    I agree with Mr. Nightwatch !

  6. jkp says:

    Thanks for valuable suggestions. I have incorporated few items. As I have no deep knowlede about the Act, there may be some format lapses. Pl feel free to ammend the draft to make it better. Regards to the team of RTIA.
    Shri Anuj Dayal, Public Information Officer,
    Chief Public Relations Officer Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001 (O) 23418415.
    Subject: Information under RTI Act regarding feeder bus service between Delhi Dwarka Sector 14 Metro Station and GGSIP University and back.
    Kindly provide me the following information:
    1. As to what orders/instructions/ contract conditions has laid down for RTV/Feeder services. How does DMRC monitor and enforce them?
    2. In the past one year, how many trips of feeder bus service between Delhi Dwarka Sector 14 Metro station and GGSIP University have been missed?
    3. What action has been taken for missed trips against the RTV/Feeder bus operator/contractor.
    4. Does there is a board/ hoarding about the service and timings of feeder bus service appear at the metro stations?
    5. Does there is a board/ hoarding about the service and timings of feeder bus service appear at GGSIP University?
    6. What is the status of feeder bus service during lunch hours of bus crew i.e.between 1 to 2pm.
    7. Is there any proposal under consideration to shift lunch hour beyond 1-2 pm to 2-3 pm.

  7. malathy dev says:

    Thanks. I agree with Mr jkp’s draft.
    But to the questions: “Is there a board…”. The PIO can just reply “No”, which we already know. How to make him reveal WHY there are no boards? How to expose the nexus with the private transport operators?

  8. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    1. All stakeholders can see the draft below & give suggestions:

    Shri Anuj Dayal, Public Information Officer,
    Chief Public Relations Officer Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001 (O) 23418415.
    Subject: Information under RTI Act regarding feeder bus service between Delhi Dwarka Sector 14 Metro Station and GGSIP University and back.
    Kindly provide me the following information:
    1. As to what orders/instructions/ contract conditions has laid down for RTV/Feeder services. Please provide a copy of these instructions or the location on the website where this information is available.
    2. How does DMRC monitor and enforce these conditions?
    3. How are the users informed of the schedule of operation of a particular RTV service? Are boards showing the operation schedule of a RTV required to be displayed at stops of the RTV?
    4. What action has been taken for not following the laid down schedule/ missed trips against the RTV/Feeder bus operator/contractor? Is the DMRC aware as to how many trips of feeder bus service between Delhi Dwarka Sector 14 Metro station and GGSIP University have been missed in last one year? If so please provide details and action taken.
    5. Does the DMRC have a complaint/ suggestion cell where feedback/suggestions for the improvement of RTV service can be given? Can users suggest changes in the schedule/timings of operation of a particular RTV service?

  9. Malathy Dev - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    As applicants to RTIA have repeatedly pointed out in many other RTI also, “The purpose of asking for specific information may be best understood by the person filing the RTI”. So complainant has the final word.

    RTIA team members are requested to always state this while offering comments. It appears to normal visitor to the site that RTIA Team has a veto, and that their version is superior somehow, and if not accepted then RTIA will not provide anonymity service. Is this so?

    As the complainant I find jkp’s version much superior. That is the one that must be posted.

    Only one part remains. To the two questions, “Is there a board….” The University simply will reply, “No”, which we already know. If we add the tag, “If not why not”, then the PIO may reply, “As per decision no. 22 taken in the meeting called by the VC on 06th October 2010 on “Services to Students” recorded in the Minutes of Meeting dated 10th October 2010, it was decided not to have sign boards for the RTV bus because it would require permissions from DMRC which was cumbersome”, or some such reply.
    If we do not want to use the tag, “If not why not?”, then how could the question be framed to get this revealing reply? If we cannot find a suitable wording for the question, then better to persist with “If not, why not?”

    Rest in jkp’s version fine.

  10. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    1. Please feel free to use any version.As stated the complainant’s interest is prime.

    2. If have time refer to CIC/AT/A/2006/00045 in respect of Dr DV Rao Vs Department of Legal Affair, an oft quoted decision by most PIO even when you do not ask “if not why not?”

  11. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    1. I have file this RTI. Copy attached.
    2. Filed in Ritesh’s name as reply is likely in Feb & I will not be able to follow up.
    3. Speed post No. ED275728549IN


  12. Anand - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Thanks Mr. Nightwatch.

  13. Malathy Dev - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    Disregarding original’s complainants requirements are in my view a disservice to the RTI movement.

  14. Param Dhar says:

    The reply has been received.The reply says that all information asked “pertains to the State Transport Authority.Therefore you may seek information from State Transport Authority,Delhi.”

  15. nightwatch - RTI Anonymous Team Member says:

    This has happened because somewhere in the discussion it was assumed it was a Metro Feeder Service, which it is not.

  16. Malathy Dev says:

    No, this has happened because as already stated “Disregarding original’s complainants requirements are — a disservice to the RTI movement”. Original complainant on top had in fact stated the correct PIO address. But RTI was despatched ignoring the requirements of the original complainant.

    I am re-sending the RTI to PIO at GGSIP University which runs the bus. Speedpost consignment number will be mentioned and copy of application uploaded here within first half of february. In future let us always specifically seek, giving adequate time, the original complainant’s ok especially before despatch of the RTI, because only he, and none of the “experts”, is in direct eye contact with the problem.

  17. Malathy Dev says:

    Response being sent. File uploaded here:
    File: ipubusreply.doc

  18. RTI-A User says:

    Please refrain from having a word battle with PIO..

    Don’t ever provide any reason for asking information.

    Just ask for information.

    If there is nothing in the form of information that you can ask for, and you want to solve some issues happening, just write a written complaint, copy the the ministry of that department.

    After two weeks just write a RTI or ask some one to do it for you. In that RTI ask for the file number of your complaint, and file notings, and copies of action taken.

    The moment the PIO ( mostly the concerned officer ) sees the words file number and file notings, he will take action, and then report to you. Becasue, in any Government office, a file cannot sit with one officer for than 15 days without any justifiable reasons. Particularly in case of complaints it should be followed very strictly.

    If they will never admit it on papers that they have taken no action. Only some Foolish PIO will do that..

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